Shady Nate x San Quinn x Damu โ€“ Run These Streets (Challenge)

@Shady28Nate @SanQuinn and @ogDamu join forces with the record label Americaโ€™s Most Wanted for this awesome new โ€œRun These Streetsโ€ Challenge. Theyโ€™re creating an opportunity for an upcoming artist to get their first big look. All they have to do is download their new slap โ€œRun The Streetsโ€ and add their own verse or hook. Itโ€™s pretty simple! Check out the rules below! (Promoted)

Their rules:
Starts Nov 1-Dec 31 at midnight.
No fake views
Must Be Original
Can use our hook or write your own

To Enter:
1. Download audio here on Thizzler Soundcloud.
2. Make your hook and or verse and Upload to YouTube
3. Title as โ€œRun These Streets Challengeโ€ by Your Name.
4. Email the link to

1st Place wins a $250 in cash.
EP distribution deal with beats, mixing, mastering, artwork and promotion.
An article in 1 World Magazine, plus 25 copies of magazine
15 minute interview on High End Radio

2nd place wins $50 Guitar Center Gift Card
Single distribution deal with beat, etc
Mention in 1Word Magazine (20 copies of Mag)
Interview 10 mins High End Radio
$100 Thizzler Promo credit

3rd place wins a $50 Guitar Center Gift Card
Mention in 1World Magazine
Interview 5 mins on High End Radio

Prizes for 1st through 3rd are based on total views. The winner will be picked out of the top 3 by San Squinn, Shady Nate, and Damu themselves.

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