4 Bay Artists We’re Checking For In 2014

2013 has been a big year for a lot of people, but who will really shine in 2014? We have 4 Bay artists in mind that we believe in and will be looking out for in the New Year – leave your picks in the comment section! (DISCLAIMER: As the spot people look to for what’s popping in the Bay, we take a proactive stance and often work closely with artists we feel have potential. Everybody on this list is someone we are or have worked with in some capacity because honestly, if we didn’t we wouldn’t be doing our job. Also, if we wrote about everybody we like this list would be 40 Bay Artists instead of 4. We decided to keep it simple this year. Also also, we decided to leave out some of the more obvious choices – you should already know who they are!)

Hit the jump to see who we’re checking for.

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