38th Notes – Overnight Graffiti in Oakland, CA (Video)

Shout out to Lea and Nick Bruno and Dorian Young for shooting this dope short for Ironlak Paints. They trace a crew of graffiti artists who prepare for and throw up a piece in Oakland’s 23rd Avenue train yards in the dead of night. There is often debate and argument around whther graffiti is art of blight, but I think it must be noted that there is a difference between tagging and doing pieces. Do I want gang signs hapahazrdly scribbled on my neghborhood liquor store? No. But would I love the chipped paint and old ads covered with something ornate and meanigful? Sure.

Graf is is often lost in the shuffle these days, but it is a core element of hip-hop culture, and we would be remiss if we didn’t pay tribute to it’s existence, legacy, power and beauty. Shout out to all the kids out there who are doing art, whether commissioned or guerrilla style. Keep it up!

Words by Coolhand Luke of 38thNotes.com.

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