R.I.P. Oscar Grant

Mistah F.A.B. – Fuck The World VIDEO | SONG

Johannes Mehserle was sentenced today in a courthouse in LA. By a white judge. After being tried by a jury without a single African-American on it. After murdering an young African American man who was lying face down on the ground, unarmed, cuffed, by putting a bullet in the back of his head in cold blood, at a BART station in Oakland.

Guess how much time he received?

2 years. With 146 days credit for time served. People in the know are saying he’ll be out in 9 months.

Willie Joe – 1 Time

Let’s put this in perspective: Michael Vick got 23 months in prison for killing DOGS. Plaxico Burress got 2 years for shooting HIMSELF in the leg. Now honestly, should those be equal to taking the life of another HUMAN BEING? Execution style? On camera?

I really don’t know what to say. I guess it’s true, history repeats itself. See Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell, Rodney King…There’s no justice for the justice system. The enforcers of the law are above the law, and as long as the system is set up to protect them, there will never be a substantial case against a cop. Even with overwhelming video evidence of Mehserle using racial slurs, saying “fuck this” right before he pulled the trigger, the mostly white Southern California jury still ruled that it was “involuntary” manslaughter, and the white judge still gave Mehserle the minimum possible sentence, throwing out an enhancement for gun use that would have added 5-10 years. We need to change the system, NOT by rioting and destroying our own community, but by tearing down the corrupt laws and getting rid of the biased and out of touch politicians who depend on contributions and campaign pledges from the very people they are supposed to regulate! It’s not something that can be done overnight. It could take 50 years. But it needs to be done. Get active.

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