Top Billinโ€™ SF (Live from the Mezzanine)

If you didnโ€™t get to Top Billinโ€™ at the Mezzanine Friday, you truly missed out. Organized by Distortion 2 Static, Sweetbreads Collective, and Stash Magazine, Top Billinโ€™ was probably the biggest showcase of Bay Area and upcoming hip-hop talent of the year. Starting off with StreetMedia, then Jern Eye, J Billion, Freddie Gibbs, DaVinci, and finally Freeway and Jake One, the whole show was a heat fest.

Due to technical difficulties (excessive BAAAASSSSS) some of my footage is too distorted to watch. Fortunately, BMUSE of AlwaysHustle got plenty of footage himself, which Iโ€™ll be sprinkling in here as he uploads it. Oh, and Freeway happened to bring some friends by the name ofโ€ฆwell, Iโ€™ll let you see that for yourself.

Hit the jump for the footage!

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