Sugar Water

Hopie – Love Song (Music Video)

@HopieSpitshard drops a dope video for her song Love Song, off her Sugar Water album! Directed by David Dutton. Cop it below.
Hopie – Sugar Water (Album)

Hopie – Sugar Water (Album)

@HopieSpitshard drops her new album Sugar Water, after a long hiatus! If you missed her release party at Brick & Mortar on Wednesday make sure you check her out in...

Hopie – Breathe

@HopieSpitshard leaks another joint off her upcoming Sugar Water album! This one is produced by @WooStaar! Just breathe!

Hopie – Heartbeats (Music Video)

#BayAreaFreshmen10 @HopieSpitshard has the dopest music videos, I swear…Here’s a new one off her upcoming album Sugar Water, directed by David Dutton. MP3...

Hopie – Lowered Expectations (Video)

#BayAreaFreshmen10 @HopieSpitshard makes a quick dating video to show off her best qualities (and a few of her videos). Her new album #SugarWater is coming soon!



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