@murdatrutrife knows that Henny can be the illness or the cure. It’s all a matter of balance. The heem can bring out the best in all of us and turn the party up to...
MDA Murda
@murdatrutrife drop off this new visual for “Andale”. They need their dough fast and rapid, so they’re on a mission to make it happen. Press play on...
@MDA_Murda x @MeshBanga x @PabloSkywalkin link for the raw trap slap “Fuck Fame”, produced by @lilrecetheproducer. The three discuss the differences between...
@BookThaGeneral enlists @YoungRemedy415 and @SoSalsalino for the dope remix of “Help Yaself”, where the 3 Emcees make it clear they ain’t helpin’...