ShooterGang JoJo โ€“ J.O.D.Y. (Prod. L-Finguz) (Exclusive)

@ShootergangJojo is livinโ€™ by the motto โ€œtime is moneyโ€ on the blazinโ€™ new single โ€œJ.O.D.Yโ€. On the @LFinguz produced cut the rising Sacramento spitta shows us why his fan base continues to grow, showcasing fierce lyrics and a raw delivery to explain that time is his most valuable asset. If you donโ€™t have the money, he wonโ€™t be there! Even the ladies have to pay the choosinโ€™ fee if they want time with J.O.D.Y.! Peep the exclusive slap โ€œJ.O.D.Y.โ€ above, and shoutout to L-Finguz for sendinโ€™ this through!



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