12 Gauge Shotie x Lil Blood โ€“ Creep (Music Video)

@12TheLivewire x @lilblood_DAkid hit us with the brand new visual for โ€œCreepโ€, directed by Blind Folks Vision films. The #YZE hitta and the #3rdWorldMobEnt. boss use one of their ladies as bait at a gas station to catch a mark slippinโ€™. Within a few minutes of layinโ€™ the trap, a man pulls up in a benz and begs the lady for her digits to chill later at a hotel. The man eventually makes his way to the hotel and is roofied and robbed blind by the two women he thought was feelinโ€™ him, and they take the loot back to 12 Gauge and Blood who are waiting in the cut! Watch โ€œCreepโ€ above, from Lil Blood x 12 Gauge Shotieโ€™s joint project โ€œChicken Talkโ€.

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