Stevie Joe ft. Birch Boy Barie โ€“ Got A Play (Prod. TD Slaps)

@StevieJoe800 x @BirchBoyBarie connect with producer @tdlivewire for this new one โ€œI Got A Playโ€ with graphics by HypeTrap. On the 5th week of #THUGGYTHURSDAY we still going hard. Go get you some 420/Syrup gear from Stevie Joe now. Thuggy Life on the way. โ€“ youngMONC

Stevie Joe ft. Birch Boy Barie โ€“ Got A Play (Prod. TD Slaps) [ Exclusive]Stevie Joe ft. Birch Boy Barie - I Got A Play (Prod. TD Slaps) [ Exclusive]

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