The Sunday Rewind (Top Posts 11/10/2013 – 11/16/2013)

The music from The Bay simply does not stop. Great music has been getting posted on Thizzler daily, and as always we’re here to highlight some of the most important releases of the week.

A-1 – Summertime Sadness (Produced by Ryan Hemsworth) (Music Video)

One of the major reasons A-1 has a lot potential to be a factor beyond the Bay is how serious he and his team are about each detail of his career. Everything they publicly release is polished and creative: from the music itself, to album artwork, music videos, his stage show etc… As a result, every time you see his name you can be confident that the quality will aways be there. His new video for “Summertime Sadness” is a great example of this crucial characteristic. The lyrics describe a darker side of the Summertime, the story telling is on point and powerful, the beat has some ridiculous slap courtesy of Ryan Hemsworth, and the video enhances the song and is memorable due to the directing of David Dutton and all the cool effects he did with those animated shadows.

Priceless Da Roc – Yiken (Music Video)

Over the past year Priceless and his T.P.E. family have been killing the party scene in the Bay, the rest of CA, and have even started to make waves in other parts of the country. The attention given to his dancing and his penchant for throwing functions has created a perfect opportunity to put his music front and center. As one of the originators of the Yiken craze, it was only a matter of time before he dropped an official video for for his song dedicated to the dance. The “Yiken” video features all your favorite Bay Area dancers and dance moves, as well as plenty of females to go around. With a bunch of hits in just a couple of days, this song could really start to take off in the near future.

Christoph Andersson & G-Eazy – Must Be Twice (Free EP)

This summer, G-Eazy was a part of Lil Wayne’s America’s Most Wanted Tour, which is a huge look. Having the opportunity to perform in arenas all over the country is a hell of way to get your music heard and build your name. It’s one of many reasons why there are expectations for him to do really big things in the future. In the meantime to hold fans over until his next proper project, he linked up with New Orleans producer Christoph Andersson to remix 5 songs from his Must Be Nice mixtape. The new beats on here slap something serious and are well worth a listen.


J. Stalin and The World’s Freshest – P.O.L.O. (Music Video)

J Stalin and DJ Fresh dropped two videos this week from their double album The Miracle & Nightmare on 10th Street. While “The Money Blower” is a dope video about spending dough, “P.O.L.O.” is classic Stalin street talk. The balance in his lyrical content is a big reason why Stalin has always stood out as an MC. In one moment he can be reflecting on the griminess of the game and spit “never thought that I’d end up a drug dealer”, but then later rap “give me a different life, I’d probably do the same thing”. Throw it all over some classic DJ Fresh vibes and you have a winner.

Shay Sanchez – Diamonds & Dollar Signs (Free Mixtape)

Over the past year WBMG has been really expanding. Willie Joe is still the premiere artist, but in 2013 we’ve also gotten great music from Markese, Dice, TeeGee and now Shay Sanchez. The diversity within the crew is impressive, and with his new tape, Shay Sanchez is carving his niche as the fly street hustler of WBMG. Diamonds & Dollar Signs is 20 songs deep featuring production and features from Traxamillion, Ekzakt, Money Alwayz, Willie Joe, Markese, Kevin Gates and more. Peep some of the early leaks, cop a free download of the project and get up on one of the Bay’s most exciting crews.


Matt’s Pick: Alexander Spit – Dillinger (Album)

Artists who both produce and rap at a high level are a rare breed. Alexander Spit is one of the unique artists that regularly drops both beat tapes and rap albums that are equally ill. Whether the music features his voice or not, he’s almost always able to capture unique vibes that seem to transport you to a dark night immediately upon listening. Dillinger finds Spit both rapping and producing within this comfort zone, and as always the end result is dope. The drums knock throughout, the music has lots of spacey and atmospheric elements,and he lyrically paints a vivid picture of this fringe cool kids society that kind of makes you want to crack open some whiskey and do drugs all night long.


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