The Bay Area Freshmen 10 of 2011 – The Official List

It’s official! After weeks of fan voting via Twitter, Facebook, and email, and after gathering the votes of almost 20 Bay Area music professionals, the Bay Area Freshmen 10 of 2011 has officially been announced! But wait…there’s 11 freshmen this year? That’s right, since it’s 2011, we had to choose 11 freshmen! So here they are, in no particular order:

The Bay Area Area Freshmen 10 of 2011:


Young Bari

Young Gully


Richie Cunning

Mike Dash E


Show Banga

Rafael Casal

Lil Rue


For everyone who DIDN’T make the list: it was a tough & lengthy process to narrow down ALL the submissions to the final 11. We did our best to reflect the voice of the people, and obviously not everybody could make it. Remember, there’s always next year, and not making this list doesn’t mean you’re wack.

Missed the announcement? Listen to it here:

Home Turf ” BayAreaFreshan10 ” edition May 6 2011 by BIGVON

Congratulations to everybody that did make it, and make sure to tune in to for the next few weeks for spotlights on ALL of this year’s Bay Area Freshmen! There will also be a Bay Area Freshmen 10 mixtape and mixer, to be announced soon…

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