On The Roof: A-1 introduces himself, talks The Book Of Adam, Davin Gruesome (Video)

A-1 โ€“ The Book Of Adam mixtape (Free Download)

We linked up with A-1 over at Different Fur studios in the Mission district of San Francisco for our 2nd episode of On The Roof. A slept on emcee even to us, A-1 has impressed us lately with not just his consistent dopeness but also the originality of his music, videos and overall presentation, bringing something to the table thatโ€™s uncomparable not just to anyone in the Bay Area, but in hip-hop in general. Here we talk to A-1 about who exactly he is, how he built his deep underground buzz, how he came up with the name for his latest mixtape The Book Of Adam, whether there is a theme for it like his previous mixtape After School Special, and who the hell is Davin Gruesome, his producer/DJ/hype man who is only ever seen wearing a full body SF Giantsโ€™ snuggy and sunglasses. Make sure you check out his new mixtape, The Book Of Adam, available for free download right here at https://blog.thizzler.com & at http://www.a-1music.com.

Connect with A-1:
Twitter: @A1_Emcee
Facebook: A1Music
YouTube: A1MusicTube

Shot by @Woostaar
Edited by @EmDubious

On The Roof: A-1 introduces himself, talks The Book Of Adam, Davin Gruesome (Video)

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