EMoney in the Golden Gate Express (Video)

Shoutout to EMoney for not only making it in the Golden Gate Express but for being picked for BET’s Freestyle Friday. That’s big homie! See the full article here…

SF State student, Ethan “EMoney” Cohen is getting his chance at the big time by rapping his way to becoming a contestant on BET’s famous Freestyle Friday.

“I went up there and blew the judges away,” said Cohen. “Right off the bat they said, ‘we want you to come to New York.’”

Freestyle Friday is a segment from the popular show 106 & Park in which two aspiring rappers freestyle in front of three judges and a studio audience.

“Preparation for that is just everything you’ve done to that point,” said Cohen. “It’s just rapping what’s in front of you.”

Rapping since middle school, Cohen’s goal is to one day make a living as a rap artist. He said being a contestant on Freestyle Friday is one step closer in the right direction.

“It’s huge exposure,” said Cohen. “People all over the world are watching BET, especially Freestyle Friday.”

Some friends from Team Backpack, a collaboration of musicians that Cohen is a part of, signed him up for the competition. He said he was excited to try out, but a freestyle battle gone wrong just two days before left him a little discouraged.

“I had never had that little confidence in my life, but the fact of the matter is, we paid the money (and) the guys from Team Backpack were encouraging me, “said Cohen.

After waiting eight hours to audition, Cohen said something came over him when it was finally his turn.

“I just thought about all the encouragement that Team Backpack gave me and all of the belief they had in me,” he said. “I just couldn’t let them down. ”

Cohen said he’s still waiting for a specific date as to when he will be on the show. To avoid conflict, he said he hopes the set date is when school is out for the semester.

“I’m going to have to talk to all my teachers (and) tell them that I am an aspiring rap star,” said Cohen. “I don’t even think they know what rap is.”

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