Roach Gigz featured in SF Weekly

Good look from Phillip Mlyner at SF Weekly giving Roach Gigz a favorable write up. It’s another step forward in a recent string of positive PR for Mr. Balboa. The most important paragraph:

The young, Internet-era rapper plans to address this problem by putting his faith in the decidedly old-fashioned, pre-Internet aim of scoring a major record deal. “The biggest people are on labels, so that’s where my goal is,” he says. “I’m not saying I’m going to be independent for the rest of my life. No, I’m going to make my mark independently and then prove that the Bay Area can do it on a major scale.”

If anyone can do it, Roach may be it. Let’s just hope that if he does sign to a major, he doesn’t forget industry rule #4,080.

Read the full interview HERE.

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