BPos โ€“ Pos Tapes Vol. 1 (Mixtape)

<a href="http://bpos.bandcamp.com/album/pos-tapes-vol-1">Volume 1 Ft. Mantis One by BPos</a>

Iโ€™ll let BPos do the talking:

Pos Tapes Vol.1 is the first of a trilogy of Pos Tapes. Each Pos Tape will feature beats from one specific producer. Vol.1 Features beats from Big Shawn (PimpTapsMovement) of Bored Stiff. Big Shawnโ€™s beats mixed with BPos production makes for a brand new sound that you will only find here.

Our initial goal was to put out a free album really quick. We werenโ€™t trying to make the dopest cd in the world. Just trying to give people a free little taste. What we wound up doing is making the best album any of us have made yet. And itโ€™s free.

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