BPos – Pos Tapes Vol. 1 (Mixtape)

<a href="http://bpos.bandcamp.com/album/pos-tapes-vol-1">Volume 1 Ft. Mantis One by BPos</a>

I’ll let BPos do the talking:

Pos Tapes Vol.1 is the first of a trilogy of Pos Tapes. Each Pos Tape will feature beats from one specific producer. Vol.1 Features beats from Big Shawn (PimpTapsMovement) of Bored Stiff. Big Shawn’s beats mixed with BPos production makes for a brand new sound that you will only find here.

Our initial goal was to put out a free album really quick. We weren’t trying to make the dopest cd in the world. Just trying to give people a free little taste. What we wound up doing is making the best album any of us have made yet. And it’s free.

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