Oscar Grant Special: Bob Marley – Burnin and Lootin

Given what’s going on in Oakland right now, this seemed appropriate (well, a bunch of songs seemed appropriate, but this one was what I felt like listening to). For those who have been hiding under a rock, Oscar Grant was killed while unarmed and on the ground, by a BART cop, while on cellphone camera from a bunch of onlookers. Today he was essentially acquitted, getting 0-4 years for involuntary manslaughter. He will end up doing less time than Michael Vick, who did 2.5 years for dogfighting, for executing an unarmed man in cold blood. Saved By The Badge…Anyways, in Oakland right now at this moment they are doing exactly what Bob sings about in this song. A peaceful protest has turned into people smashing windows, setting garbage cans on fire, and basically causing mayhem. I hope everyone involved stays safe, and while I don’t advocate violence, I feel ya. The justice system (and the government, and the economy, and the ecosystem, and the world) is fucked yo. But there are better ways to fight back than destroying your own town…

Stay safe, and Rest In Peace Oscar Grant…

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